Wow! It's been a busy week. Still cleaning up rentals. Got one finished and a new tenant for it. Still working on another, and 2 are still ready to go with not much in the way of qualified inquiries, though in this market, I may just lower my standards.
Can't believe it's been over a week since I've posted. I've had several things I've wanted to say, but with all the cleaning and such, I been a bit bubble brained by the time I get home...maybe it's the cleaning chemicals.
I've commented before on the things that people leave behind, and I think it's time to mention the things they take. Things that go missing are typically anything not nailed down. I don't know how many sink strainers have been taken over the years. I also make sure that there is a full complement of working lights in a rental. these often go with the renters too. I've been lucky insofar as appliances have not been taken from the rentals, yet (knock on wood). This week they even managed to take HALF of the security chain lock on the front door...HALF! Now that's just inconsiderate and lazy.
Slightly related to items taken, are items replaced. In a number of rentals, doorknobs or locks get broken and replaced by an inferior quality item. I use Kwikset brand locks on all my exteriors and Kwikset or Schlage on the interiors (it just depends on what I find on sale as they don't need to be re-keyed--sometimes the sale is at a garage sale or thrift shop or Craigslist as I know how to rebuild a number of lock types). When tenants mess up the doors, the handy ones among them repair them (half-assedly most of the time) and put a new doorknob on--99% of the time a POS, off-brand, fall apart when you turn it, take it to the recycle bin, piece of soon-to-be scrap metal.
Well, after that rant, I must say, Thanksgiving is coming up this Thursday, and I'm leaving town. Going to see Mom and her husband. I do have a lot to be thankful for. I can think of much worse things renters could do to a landlord, and maybe some day (when I know longer have residential rentals) I'll publish a list.
Happy Thanksgiving in case I don't write until afterwards.
Hello world!
5 years ago